Why You Should See an Audiologist for Hearing Aid Adjustments

January 23, 2024

Why You Should See an Audiologist for Hearing Aid Adjustments

An audiologist plays a pivotal role in both the initial fitting and the ongoing adjustments of hearing aids. Regular hearing tests are essential to keep the device settings aligned with changes in one’s hearing ability. 

Hearing aids come with a range of features and customizations that can be overwhelming at first but can greatly enhance the user's listening environment once properly set. Over time, maintenance and occasional repairs may also be required to keep the hearing aids functioning optimally. If and when this time comes, it is important to see an audiologist for hearing aid adjustments. 

Key Takeaways

  • Hearing aids require precise adjustments for optimal performance.
  • Audiologists are key to fitting and fine-tuning hearing aids.
  • Hearing ability changes necessitate ongoing adjustments.

When to See an Audiologist for Adjustments

If you're experiencing issues with your hearing aids, it might be time to schedule an appointment with an audiologist. Remember, regular adjustments are key to optimal hearing aid performance. Here are some signs that indicate the need for a professional adjustment:

  • Volume fluctuations: If the sound levels are inconsistent, it's a sign that your hearing aids may need recalibration.
  • Feedback or whistling sounds: This can occur if the hearing aids are not fitted properly in your ears.
  • Discomfort or pain: Any physical discomfort suggests that the fit of the hearing aid needs to be checked.
  • Changes in hearing: If your hearing has changed, the settings on your hearing aids might need an update.
  • Difficulty understanding speech: This suggests that the clarity or amplification settings may require adjustments.

An audiologist is trained to fine-tune your hearing aids to ensure they meet your current needs. During an adjustment session, they can modify the programming of your devices based on:

  • Specific hearing frequency losses
  • Different listening environments
  • Updated hearing tests

Regular visits to an audiologist for hearing aid adjustments can significantly improve the device's effectiveness and your overall hearing experience. If you recognize any of the above signs, don't hesitate to reach out to a hearing care professional. They will assist you in making the necessary adjustments so that you can continue to enjoy clear and comfortable hearing.

The Audiogram: Interpreting Hearing Test Results

An audiogram is a chart that records the results of a hearing test, plotting the hearing thresholds for various frequencies. It helps us determine the specific configurations of hearing loss — whether it's in the higher frequencies (common with age-related hearing loss) or the lower frequencies.

Here’s how to read an audiogram:

  • The vertical axis represents the amplification (in decibels) required for a person to hear a sound.
  • The horizontal axis shows the frequency of the sounds, from low to high.
  • Marks on the audiogram indicate the softest sounds one can hear at each frequency.

Understanding the audiogram is essential because it informs us how to program hearing aids to suit individual amplification needs. It is through this precise customization that we enable individuals to experience better hearing tailored to their loss profile.

Hearing Aid Fitting and Initial Adjustments

When we receive our hearing aids, the fitting and the initial adjustments are crucial to ensure that the devices serve our needs effectively. A proper fit and appropriate settings can significantly enhance our hearing experience.

The Importance of a Proper Fit

A comfortable fit is essential for any hearing aid user. During the hearing aid fitting, the audiologist tailors the device to fit the unique contours of our ear. This is not just for comfort, but also to ensure the device delivers sound effectively to our eardrum. If the fit is too loose, the hearing aid may not stay in place, leading to feedback or loss of sound. Conversely, if it is too tight, it can cause discomfort or even pain. The goal is for us to barely notice that we're wearing our hearing aids throughout the day.

Adjusting Settings for Optimal Performance

The adjustment process involves more than just fitting the physical device. Our audiologist will work with us to adjust the volume and settings like noise reduction to match our individual hearing loss profile. This is done through a series of tests in different environments to simulate real-life situations. Our feedback during this stage is vital to fine-tune the hearing aids to our preferences and daily activities. Each setting, from the microphone directionality to frequency amplification, is tweaked to optimize our hearing.

The Adjustment Period: Tips for Acclimatization

Even with the best fit and settings, there's often an adjustment period for our brain to re-learn how to process sounds through the device. It's important that we have patience and give ourselves time to acclimate to the new auditory inputs. We might start by wearing our hearing aids for a few hours a day, gradually increasing the duration as we get more comfortable. Practicing in different environments, from quiet rooms to noisier outdoor spaces, helps our hearing adapt more quickly. During the trial period, we should take note of instances where our hearing aids seem less effective and communicate this with our audiologist for further adjustment.

By following this advice and working closely with our audiologist, we can ensure a smooth transition to using our hearing aids to their fullest potential.

Visit Us at Anywhere Audiology

At Anywhere Audiology, we understand the importance of clear communication and optimal hearing health. Our audiology services are tailored to offer you the convenience and comfort of receiving top-notch care right where you are. Here's what you can expect from a visit with us:

  • Comprehensive Hearing Evaluations: During your appointment, we conduct thorough hearing tests to assess your hearing capabilities. This ensures we can provide you with targeted solutions and appropriate hearing aid recommendations if necessary.
  • Personalized Hearing Aid Fittings: We take pride in ensuring your hearing aids fit comfortably and work effectively. Our team is specialized in the fine-tuning of hearing aid settings to match your individual hearing profile, all done at your location for your ease.
  • Expert Advice: With our extensive knowledge in audiology, we offer advice on managing hearing loss, preventing further damage, and improving your auditory experience.

We invite you to schedule an appointment with us for professional hearing aid adjustments or a detailed hearing test. Our commitment is to bring you high-quality audiological care, enabling you to experience the world of sound to its fullest.

To learn more or set up a visit, please contact us at Anywhere Audiology.

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Reviewed by
Dr. Emma Durazzo
Owner & Doctor of Audiology
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With years of experience and continued professional training, Emma Durazzo (formerly Emma McCue) has developed her expertise in a variety of subspecialties within the scope of audiology.